Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More Pix, Days 5 & 6: Newport - Coos Bay - Brookings

Here I am in the morning, just before we headed out from our hotel in Newport, Oregon, looking mighty happy in my "raincoat," as we were about to take on another day of rain. That 99-cent plastic job actually kept me fairly dry, but it was so not made for cycling that I ditched it a day or two later and braved the elements without it.

Four hours later, I took out my camera for the first time. Jody and I stopped here to take a look at all the sea lions in the water, just before we past by the Sea Lion Caves, north of Florence, Oregon. You can't see them in the picture, but there were hundreds of sea lions down there. (Nice weather, eh?) It's unfortunate that we didn't have the time to relax and enjoy such natural beauty (not just here, but in many places along our route) for any more than a couple minutes.

I'm only including this picture to show you how dirty I got following in Jody's wake. I already mentioned in the blog how close behind Jody I was riding that day and here's a little proof.

Here's the meal I had at the Kozy Kitchen in North Bend, Oregon. (I asked for no gravy but got it anyway.) We actually planned to walk to the Kozy Kitchen II, which was only about 0.8 miles away from the Motel 6 we were staying at, but because it was still raining, we called a taxi. When the driver exited the hotel parking lot and turned left instead of right, we asked him where he was going. He told us that he was taking us to the other Kozy Kitchen (about 2.6 miles away), which was open 24 hours a day, because No. 2 was closed. In fact, No. 2 was still open, but we could hardly blame the taxi driver for wanting the higher fare...

A bunch of cheerleaders sitting next to us ordered this Kozy Kake, so we decided to go for it, too. As you can see, all three of us were enjoying this calorie bomb at once. Luckily, we only ordered one of these things.

The weather was pretty ugly the next day, so I hardly took any pictures. This is one of the few I did take. I think I'll leave the caption for this photo up to you readers... (Joe's last name is Reinhart.)

My dinner that night, in Brookings, Oregon. (I told you I hardly took any pictures!) The food was really good, but I can't recall the name of the restaurant.

When it came time for dessert, Jody and I both ordered cheesecake. Two nights earlier, we also had cheesecake for dessert (I think it's Jody's favorite), but we were disappointed with the measly portions we were served. That's why we asked the waitress how big the slices were. When she replied, "I'm the one who cuts the cake," we knew we were in for a treat. The picture doesn't really tell the story, but that's a big piece. And it was yummy!

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