Day 11
Distance: 143.42 miles (230.82 km)
Elapsed Time: 15:13:00
Time in Saddle: 11:27:03
Average Speed: 12.5 mph
Calories Burned: 7874
Elevation Gain: 8317 feet
Max Elevation: 1025 feet
Average Temp: 60.3 F
This was our slowest day in terms of average speed, barely slower than Day 10. Just like the previous day, we slowed things down quite a bit at night, but this day we also had that ridiculous weather to deal with.
Day 12
Distance: 106.32 miles (171.10 km)
Elapsed Time: 9:18:35
Time in Saddle: 6:57:47
Average Speed: 15.3 mph
Calories Burned: 5908
Elevation Gain: 3412 feet
Max Elevation: 949 feet
Average Temp: 67.6F
Besides the last day, this was the only day with an elapsed time under 10 hours.
Day 13*
Distance: 129.23 miles (207.93 km)
Time in Saddle: 8:15:00 (estimate)
Average Speed: 15.7 mph (estimate)
Elevation Gain: 1222 feet
Max Elevation: 2228 feet
*For whatever reason, most of the stats for this day are lost. Sorry about that.
Day 14
Distance: 138.25 miles (222.50 km)
Elapsed Time: 13:28:00
Time in Saddle: 9:47:24
Average Speed: 14.1 mph
Calories Burned: 7484
Elevation Gain: 4131 feet
Max Elevation: 438 feet
Average Temp: 70.7 F*
*For the first time on the ride, the average temperature hit the 70's.
Day 15
Distance: 30.01 miles (48.30 km)
Elapsed Time: 2:35:44
Time in Saddle: 2:05:55
Average Speed: 14.3 mph
Calories Burned: 1656
Elevation Gain: 587 feet
Max Elevation: 138 feet
Average Temp: 76.9 F
Of course, seeing as we started Day 15 practically within earshot of Tijuana, it was full of record lows for the trip, but it also had one record high: the average temperature!
Why couldn't the weather have been this nice for the whole ride? I know exactly why. If the weather had been great every day, I wouldn't have had that crazy story about the typhoon to write about. And I would have never learned how to take down the king. And you would have never seen the picture of me in that ridiculous attempt at a raincoat. Just to name a few...
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